This year's "minds" took place in Berlin from October 8th to 10th. At this event, the protagonists of the largest and most important press agencies in the world meet every year to exchange ideas. MediaTest was there and was able to present the possibilities of the MediaTest tool for press agencies.

MediaTest CFO Mag. Christian Rebernig

MediaTest CTO Parmy Bar


DPA CEO Peter Kropsch




MediaTest audio watermarking technology has „Golden Ear“ status.

The MediaTest watermarking technology is based on the complex coding approach DSS. This means, that the marks are positioned using special technology and in frequency ranges, that the human ear cannot hear at all. The detection rate is 98%. The detection time is less than one second. These values are a top value that is otherwise rarely achieved. MediaTest received the “Golden Ear” certificate for this.

The "Golden Ear Certificate" means that the "watermarks" are imperceptible, i.e. not perceptible to the human ear, even in absolute silence.

MediaTest has therefore received trademark protection for the name of the encoders equipped with MediaTest audio watermarking technology. From 2023, the MediaTest encoders will bear the protected brand name "Golden-Ear-Encoder".


MediaTest in RedTech-Magazin_2022




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